With all of the pages dedicated by automotive magazines (FordMuscle
not withstanding) to glamorous "air flow" parts
such as heads, intakes, cams and power adders, it is easy
to forget the fundamentals: It is fuel, not air and not the
engine, that contains the potential energy to ultimately move
our cars. We can add as much air we want but without the right
amount of hydrocarbons, the motor isn't gonna produce a lick
more horsepower.
Perhaps one of the reasons we don't see many articles dedicated
to fuel system upgrades is that in and of itself installing
a new fuel pump or bigger lines will not yeild more power.
Most factory fuel systems on V8 Fords are capable of supporting
as much as 400 horsepower with minor upgrades. However with
those aforementioned air-flow increasing parts making 400HP
out of a V8 Ford has become a bolt-on affair, and more and
more street cars are eclipsing that mark. Case in point is
our Project '67, which put down over 500 horsepower at the
wheels with the mere addition of a supercharger. However the
engine showed signs of severe fuel starvation with aif-fuel
ratios off the charts. Clearly it was time to address the
fuel system.
Understanding Volume and Pressure
The relationship between pressure and volume is inverse.
In other words, as pressure increases volume decreases. Consider
the simple example of a garden hose. If you put your thumb
over the end you increase the pressure, but decrease the amount
of water that gets past. It is for this principle that simply
increasing fuel pressure is not going to get more fuel into
the motor. We have to consider the volume requirements of
the motor.
Engineers have termed the volume required by an engine as
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption, or BSFC. BSFC is the amount
of fuel (in pounds) required to make one horsepower for one
hour. A typical naturally aspirated street engine has a BSFC
of 0.5, meaning it will consume one-half pound of fuel per
horsepower per hour at wide open throttle. The BSFC goes down
as engine efficiency rises. BSFC tends to go up with super
and turbo chargers as they are not as efficient.
For our purposes BSFC is a theoretical value. Without the
proper dyno cell and measuring equipment it is not practical
to actually measure BSFC. Engineers have determined BSFC to
be between 0.4 and 0.6 for typical four-stroke gasoline engines.
Using a value of 0.5 lbs per hour per HP (or 0.6 for a blower
car) will get you on the right track. We can use this number
to calculate how much fuel a motor will need if we know the
maximum horsepower it will produce. Multiply your engine horsepower
by the BSFC factor to get fuel consumption in pounds per hour.
We've calculated the requirements for a 600 horsepower supercharged
The results above show that to run a 600HP motor at WOT for
a continuous hour would require 60 gallons of fuel (pump gas
weighs about 6lbs per gallon.) When selecting a fuel pump
we want to look for adequate gph rating at the fuel pressure
we will be operating. However in this case if we used a 60gph
@ 8psi fuel pump our motor would surely be starved for fuel
because this is a nominal rating. In a real fuel system and
real vehicle there are other factors which add to the fuel
pressure. The diameter of fuel line, the g-forces upon launch,
pressure from boost, etc. As a result we must factor in a
safety margin. A Carter mechanical "strip" pump,
rated at 140gph will flow somewhere in the range of 100 gph
with 12psi of fuel pressure. This would be a more appropriate
fuel pump.
A word on Regulators
A fuel pressure regulator is used to reduce system pressure
into a specific range for the carburator or fuel injector
to meter properly. Regulators come in two varieties, dead-head
and return style. A dead-head regulator works by maintaining
a lower pressure down stream (between regulator and carb or
injectors) by blocking higher pressure behind it via a diaphragm
and spring. A return-style regulator uses a bypass and a separate
return line to bleed off excess fuel and return it to the
tank. Dead head regulators work fine for low pressure mechanical
fuel pumps because the excess pressure against the fuel pump
is over come by crank power. However electrical fuel pumps,
especially high-output EFI pumps, will run hotter and less
efficiently if they are pushing against a dead head regulator,
therefore it is best to use a return style regulator with
these pumps.
Planning it out
Once you have figured out the fuel pump requirements based
on your horsepower level the next step is to plan out the
pumbing. It is important to select fuel lines that support
the pump rating. A big pump with small lines will result in
too much pressure and the pump will not deliver the rated
volume. The pump also must receive adequate volume from the
tank so it does not cavitate (suck air.) The next two pages
show how we modifed the pickup unit and fuel lines.