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Rear Springs and Shock Absorber Installation
Rear spring and shock replacement is very easy, and can be accomplished in as little as an hour. An impact wrench will be required to remove the upper shock mounting nut.

Jack up the rear of the vehicle and place jack stands under the axle housing AND also the frame. This is a must, placing under the axle only will result in the car falling once the spring is removed!
With the wheels removed, we first replaced the axle damper or "quad" shock. According to Koni this shock is not required to be replaced, however it does play a role in reducing axle hop.

The nut for the rear quad shock mount is removed first.
The bolt at the front mount is removed, and the quad shock is taken off.

Installation is performed in reverse of removal. Install the front bolt loosely, then compress the shock and slide the rear bushing over the mounting stud.
Torque the nut at the rear to 60-70 ft.lbs. and the front mount bolt to similar specifications.

From the hatch or trunk, use impact wrench to remove the upper shock mounting nut and bushing. We've found these nuts rarely come off with hand tools.
The stock nut/bushing (right) can be discarded, as it is unique to the OEM Ford shock. New shocks come with new hardware and bushings.

From under the car remove the lower shock mounting bolt.
The old shock can now be removed from under the vehicle.
(Rear Spring and Shock Absorber installation continued)

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